Barefoot Massage also known as “Ashiatsu Massage” is a unique form of deep tissue bodywork that involves the practitioner using their feet to apply deep, gliding pressure along the client's body. Originating from traditional Asian practices, this technique emphasizes the use of gravity and body weight to deliver a relaxing yet intense massage experience. It targets muscle tension, improves circulation, and promotes overall relaxation, making it ideal for those seeking relief from stress or chronic pain. The practitioner's feet glide over the body while they hold onto overhead bars for balance, allowing for a smooth, rhythmic flow throughout the session.

Barefoot Massage may not be suitable for everyone. Contraindications include:

  • Acute Injuries: Fresh sprains, strains or fractures

  • Skin Conditions: Open wounds, rashes or infections

  • Circulatory issues: Deep vein thrombosis or blood clots

  • Bone Conditions: Osteoporosis or Sequestered - “Slipped” “Ruptured” discs UNLESS fused.

    • “degenerated” “bulging” “pinched nerve” are OK

  • Medications: Blood thinners, Muscle relaxants, Opioids

  • Implants/ Enhancements/ Augmentations: Must wait 9 months

Always consult with a healthcare provider before receiving massage therapy if you have any underlying health concerns.